Friday, March 26, 2010

A certain pop-corn smell in the American Library today (of all places) reminded me how very long its been since I've been to the movies. The last time being Avatar. Its become extremely costly, the either have to catch the morning shows or shell out more than 100 bucks. Which hurts, both my conscience and my wallet. This is where I fondly remember the days when I used to go to Globe, New Empire, Light House. I'm a sucker for old world charm and quaintness.
Have finally got hold of Worms Armageddon, thanks to a pal. We plan on playing tonight. Worms is the most fun I've ever had when it came to online gaming. I'm not a fan of MMORPGs. They tried to get me hooked, but something about the mindless grind has always put me off. And it comes back to hit you one fine day in the future and you find yourself lamenting all the wasted time.Reading Richard Wright's The Native Son, and I'm surprised how smooth and brilliant a read it is. I am absolutely loving the book. I hope to finish the rest tonight.
And its stormy and windy and superb outside. A welcome break from the heat.
Baghu, hot, tired out and panting furiously. Baba had taken him out and as usual, he'd pranced off with his dog buddies to the park.Baba, who's become a bookworm all over again recently.

And finally, Ma, who finally allowed me to take her photograph, and I'm glad she did.

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